“The Nero Monologues,” a one-woman pastiche opera created and performed by international soprano and writer Sarah Toth, will be presented November 1, 2 and 4 at Candora Arts and Heritage Center in Knoxville.
The work combines multiple elements to create an immersive audience experience that explores the inner thoughts of the notorious Roman emperor Nero during his final hours. Poetry by Geoffrey Lehmann is both spoken and set to music with a score by Peter James Learn, and the material is contrasted with existing pieces by Monteverdi, Handel, and Copeland, among others.
"Nero Monologues looks at Nero during his final hour, right before he commits suicide. I seek to offer a humanized portrayal of Nero, and to explore a few of the influences and personal traumas that may have contributed to his tyrannical ruling," Toth said. "The opera exposes familiar themes: power struggles, political ideals, abandonment, abuse, passion, sexual identity, and love."
The Inner Voices String Quartet collaborates to bring the story to life.
Performances are at 8 p.m. at 4450 Candora Avenue in Knoxville. Tickets are available here, and more information can be found here.