Caramelized Apple Cider Punch.
Certain locations and situations lend themselves to oftentimes predictable behaviors.
You would expect children waiting in line to share their heart’s desires with Santa Claus to be equal parts elated, nervous, and fidgety (understandable given that it’s particularly nerve-wrecking to wonder if one’s behaviors over the previous year have been deemed naughty or nice). It’s also fairly safe to assume that holiday carolers going house-to-house, lively serenading any door amicably opened to them, are in a joyous, merry mood. In a similar vein, at least from personal observation, it can be anticipated that folks gathered around a punch bowl are likely to be dressed in festive attire, in a convivial mood, and ready to chat about any and everything under the sun.
There is something about a punch bowl that is simultaneously formal yet approachable. The voluminous size of the bowl itself is immediately inviting, conveying an ability to whet the whistle of any and all. It’s the libation residing inside the bowl, however, that ultimately determines the beverage’s lasting effect. After serving numerous bowls of punch over the past eight years at the annual Ladies Cookie Exchange I host each December, I can attest to its ability to rather quickly put my guests into a jolly, cheerful mood (especially those punches containing alcohol). Temperaments and tongues alike become loosened as guests begin to exchange cookies, anecdotes, and information.
Around my punch bowl, I’ve heard talk of new employment being acquired (and the reasons and rationale for why the previous employment, and employer, left much to be desired). I’ve been made privy to details of business ventures my female friends are about to finance and embark on. As I have ladled my guests a refresher glass, I’ve been told about planned vacations abroad, and conflicts with friends, and ideas about relocating to cities elsewhere, and affairs of the heart. Around my punch bowl, I have even made major announcements myself (it was at last year’s cookie exchange that I shared I was 12 weeks pregnant with my second child).
Like an indoor watering hole, the punch bowl invites weary travelers to quench their thirst, relax their shoulders, and sit and sip for a spell. Punches require gentle imbibing, not fist-pounding hastiness (these aren’t shots, after all). As the holiday season makes its appearance once again, I invite you to concoct a punch such as my Caramelized Apple Cider Punch, invite some friends over (festive attire highly suggested though certainly not required), put on some Bing Crosby, and watch what happens. I can all but guarantee that confidences will be shared, pronouncements and declarations will be made, and alliances will be forged.
That, friends, is the power of the punch bowl.
Caramelized Apple Cider Punch
Makes 16+ cups
You Will Need
- 8 cups apple cider
- 3 cups brandy
- 1 cup Caramelized Simple Syrup (recipe follows)
- Freshly grated nutmeg, to taste
- 1 thinly sliced apple, to serve
- 1 liter seltzer water, to serve
Caramelized simple syrup
- 2 cups + 2 tablespoons water, divided
- 1 cup sugar
To Prepare
1) Begin by making the caramelized simple syrup. Bring two cups of water to a boil. Set aside.
2) Meanwhile, mix the sugar with two tablespoons water in a medium size saucepan. Stir until the mixture resembles the consistency of wet sand. Heat the mixture over medium low, until it turns to a copper penny color. Wait to stir the mixture until the color begins to change, then gently stir it with a metal spoon.
3) Add the 2 cups of boiled water. Cook until all of the sugar is melted back into the water. Don’t worry if the mixture hardens up at first; as it warms up it’ll return to a liquid state. Take the pot off of the heat, and set aside to cool to room temperature.
4) Add the apple cider, brandy, and Caramelized Simple Syrup to a punch bowl. Stir gently. Grate some fresh nutmeg over it, then add the apple slices. Add the seltzer right at serving time. Serve at room temperature or chilled.
Reprinted with permission from Quench: Handcrafted Beverages to Satisfy Every Taste & Occasion, by Ashley English, Roost Books.